
Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures. With this procedure, the nose can be made shorter or longer; the nose tip and the nasal hump can be reshaped; the nostrils can be narrowed; and the angle between the nose and upper lip can be changed.

It may also correct deformities, whether congenital or acquired as a result of traumas. With this surgery, breathing problems (if any) can be treated, as well.

Because this surgery enables you to have a better external appearance, it will enhance your self-confidence.

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are those who expect an improvement in their appearance but who are not perfectionists. Anyone who has no physical and psychological problems can get a rhinoplasty surgery.

Rhinoplasty can be done for aesthetic purposes, as well as for the correction of deformities and breathing problems, whether congenital or acquired.

When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, rhinoplasty poses a very low risk of complication.

Because most of the cuts remain inside the nose, rhinoplasty leaves no scar. Even in the cases of patients treated by the most experienced plastic surgeons, a second surgery may be required for the correction of minor deformities that may emerge or get noticeable after surgery.

Rhinoplasty operation can be done under local or preferably general anesthesia.

Surgery takes about one to two hours. During the surgery, the new shape is given to the nose by intervening in the nasal bone, cartilage and the skin of the noses if necessary. After surgery, a splint is applied to the nose, which is removed after 10 days. Nasal packs are not used in rhinoplasty operations.

Your face may get swollen after surgery. There may be a little bleeding from the nose, like a leakage, for a few days after the operation. Most patients do not suffer from any significant pain problem. There may be bruising and swelling around the eyes, which reach a peak around the third day. Swelling and bruising around the eyes completely disappear within two weeks. Since such bruises vary depending on personal characteristics, there are also patients who do not suffer from any bruises.

Patients usually are up and about from the second day, and can return to school or work after the first week. Sports such as swimming, running, and swimming should be avoided for three weeks after surgery. Glasses should not be worn for three months. The nose should be protected carefully from external impacts for a period of at least two months.

Due to the swelling and bruising on your face in the early postoperative period, you may not be sure about whether or not the result of the surgery meets your expectation, and you may consequently get demoralized. These days, during which you become prone to depression, are temporary, and this is a process experienced by almost all patients. As the swelling in your nose gradually disappear with each passing day, you will begin to feel yourself more beautiful and will recover your morale. Within a couple of week, you will look as if you had not undergone any surgery.

In particular, complete disappearance of the swelling in the nasal tip may require a couple of months because of the fact that wound healing is a long process. The process of getting the final result from surgery lasts up to six months.

During the long healing period, you may get unexpected reactions and criticisms from your family and friends. They may say that there is no significant change in your nose; or that your previous appearance was better. People need time to accept changes (even if in a good way) in the appearance of their loved ones. The more important thing is whether or not you have achieved achieve your own objectives. If you have achieved your objectives, then your surgery has resulted in success. You should keep in mind that you have had that surgery for yourself, not for others.

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Prof. Dr. Murat Emiroğlu
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